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Daily Greens

Being healthy is at the top of the list. What is your favorite way to stay healthy?
July 15, 2020

Since it’s January, many people want to start off their year with goals. Being healthy is at the top of the list. What is your favorite way to stay healthy? Juices are a great option, and Austin has a lot of places around the city. Daily Juice is a good one, with many different locations.

Their website has the story behind the juices, which I love:

“At Daily Greens™, we’re driven to help people live their best lives. Shauna Martin, Daily Greens™’s founder, discovered her passion for green juice and its benefits following her battle with breast cancer as a young mom. As she continues her daily battle with breast cancer, Shauna makes sure she does two things every day: Give thanks for another day with her family and friends. And of course, drink her Daily Greens™.”

Plus, they taste good! I really like the protein shakes at their store and the healthy dishes which are available as a grab-and-go option. What’s your favorite juice spot in town?

Note: Image from the Daily Greens Website



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